This organization shall be known as the "Denver Area Legal Recruitment Association" or "DALRA" (the "Association"). The principle office for the transaction of the business of the Association shall be the business mailing address of the member who has been elected Secretary to the Association.
The purposes and objectives of this Association shall be:
To provide professional support and a forum for the exchange of information;
To develop an educational and professional development network, collecting information of value to our members and the organizations they represent;
To enhance and promote the quality, image and reputation of the legal recruiting and law placement professions;
To create a sense of belonging and safe place to discuss topics related to discrimination, diversity, equity, and inclusion in our communities, with the goal to create a more inclusive legal community;
To support the goals and programs of the National Association of Law Placement (NALP) where consistent with the goals and purposes of this Association;
To operate as a not for profit organization pursuant to section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or any subsequent statutory provision of similar effect and the related regulations); and
To accomplish other purposes reasonably related to the foregoing.
Section I. Eligibility.
Any individual employed by a legal employer or law school who is actively involved in the recruitment or placement of lawyers or law students shall be eligible for membership upon acceptance of their application by the Association.
Section II. Classification of Membership.
The Association has one class of general membership. A member is a person who is eligible for membership, who has been accepted into membership, and who has paid the requisite dues. A legal employer or law school may be represented in the Association by one or more members.
Each member in good standing shall have the right and shall be eligible to hold office and have access to all privileges and benefits of the Association. Also, each member will have the right to one vote.
Section III. Dues.
The officers of the Association shall be responsible for recommending the amount of and the time and method of payment of dues. The recommendation of the officers shall be approved by a majority vote of the members present at any general or special meeting.
Section IV. Termination of Membership.
Membership shall cease upon non-payment of dues, resignation, illegal conduct, or determination by the Association that a member has engaged in conduct materially prejudicial to the interests of the Association.
Section V. Assignment of Membership.
Any member who resigns before the end of a term may assign their membership to another individual, provided that the individual is eligible for membership and is employed by the same organization as the resigning member.
There shall be four generally elected officers of the Association. All members are eligible to hold any of the four elected offices. However, no two members from the same organization may serve as officers concurrently. The officers and the responsibilities shall be as follows:
Section I. Positions.
A. President. The responsibilities of the President include:
Coordinating the meeting agendas, events, and activities of the Association.
Serving as chairperson of all full meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board.
Serving as chief spokesperson of the Association.
Authorizing all checks issued by the Association and co-signing all checks in excess of $100.00.
Identifying professional development opportunities for the Association by engaging expert guest speakers and organizing other educational training opportunities.
Attending NALP city group leader meetings and other similar programs on behalf of the Association and reporting back to the Association.
Serving one year as Vice President and then one year as President.
B. Vice President. The responsibilities of the Vice President include:
Supporting the President, Treasurer and Secretary in their roles.
Assuming the duties of President in the event of the inability of the President to serve.
Identifying professional development opportunities for members by engaging expert guest speakers and organizing other educational training opportunities.
Serving as Vice President for one year and then assuming the President role for the second year.
C. Secretary. The responsibilities of the Secretary include:
Keeping minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board and making them available to members upon request.
Maintaining a record of the Association in which by-laws, minutes, and additional information of importance to the Association are entered, with any amendments properly recorded.
Maintaining a record of the members of the Association which indicates their names, employer addresses and business email addresses and phone numbers.
Securing a place to hold full meetings of the Association and issuing notice of those meetings and of the Executive Board meetings.
Gathering and maintaining the collection of resource materials belonging to the Association, retaining custody of these items, and controlling members' access to them.
Assisting the President as needed to in coordinate Association meetings.
Planning and coordinating details for summer and holiday events.
Working with board members to plan meeting agendas, recommend expert guest speakers, etc.
D. Treasurer. The responsibilities of the Treasurer include:
Administering and overseeing dues collection.
Receiving and depositing all funds belonging to the Association, including the billing and collection of dues from members.
Preparing and signing checks in payment of bills authorized for payment on behalf of the Association.
Managing expenses and annual tax filing.
Maintaining the financial records of the Association.
Preparing and issuing the annual report, and any interim reports requested, to the Executive Board on the financial condition of the Association.
Working with Executive Board to plan meeting agendas, recommend expert guest speakers, etc.
Section II. Election and Terms.
The officers of the Association shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the members of the Association. Each officer shall hold their office for a team of two (2) years, commencing on the date of the Annual Meeting (typically in February). No officers shall serve more than one consecutive two-year term in anyone office unless the membership deems it necessary that an extension be made for any one or all of the positions. An extension of any term may only be granted in one (1) year increments. Any and all extensions must be voted on by the membership as set forth in Article IX, Amendment of By-Laws.
Section III. Nominations.
Nominations for officers shall be on the agenda of the general meeting preceding the Annual Meeting. The Secretary shall accept nominations made orally or by email by any member up to twenty days prior to the Annual Meeting. Fifteen days before the Annual Meeting the Secretary shall prepare electronic ballots in accordance with nominations made and shall make them available to all members of the Association. Ballots may be returned to the Secretary prior to the Annual Meeting.
Section IV. Resignation of Officers.
Any officer may resign at any time by notifying the Executive Board. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of receipt of such notice or at such later time as is therein specified. The President shall appoint a successor to an office for the remainder of the term when a vacancy occurs.
Section V. Removal of Officers.
Any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at a special meeting called and held for such purpose. The vacancy caused by any such removal may be filled by a majority vote of such members present at the special meeting or, if the members at such meeting fail to fill the vacancy, by appointment of the President.
Section I. General Meetings.
The general meetings of the members of the Association shall be held at such times and place as may be determined by the Executive Board.
Section II. Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting for the purpose of announcing new officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for the transaction of any other business that may arise shall be held each year on the third Tuesday in February, or on such other date as may be determined by the Executive Board.
Section III. Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the members of the Association may be called by the President, the Executive Board or by 33% of the voting members.
Section IV. Notice of Meetings.
Notice of any meeting of the members shall be announced to the membership not less than seven (7) days before the date of such meeting. The notice shall specify the place, date, and hour of the meeting and any business to be transacted at that meeting. Notice of an adjourned meeting shall be given orally or in writing no less than three (3) days before the originally scheduled date of the meeting.
Section V. Quorum.
Thirty-three and one-third percent (33-1/3%) of the general membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the members.
Section VI. Voting.
If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority of the members represented at the meeting shall be the act of the members.
Section VII. Proxies.
Every person entitled to vote shall have the right to do so either in person or by an agent authorized by a written proxy. A proxy shall be valid for a period of not more than sixty (60) days.
Section I. Members.
The officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section II. Meetings.
The Executive Board shall meet no less than twice a year and a majority of its members
shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Executive Board may be held at any place and
time designated by the Executive Board.
Section III. Duties.
The Executive Board shall supervise the affairs of the Association between its regular
business meetings, make recommendations to the Association, and shall perform such other
duties as specified in these by-laws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Association and none of its acts shall conflict with the action taken by the Association.
Section I. Formation.
Committees may be formed by a simple majority vote at a general meeting.
Section II. Membership.
Committees shall be formed by volunteers in the membership. There shall be a minimum of three (3) members on each committee. In the event there is an insufficient number of volunteers to perform the duties of any committee(s), the President shall appoint additional members to fulfill the duties of that committee.
The Association shall keep current and complete records of accounts and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Association's meetings.
These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present at such meeting, provided that the amendment has been presented to the Executive Board and circulated in writing to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
The Association shall be prohibited from engaging in any regular business or activity of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit, and no part of the income or net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, any member or officer of the Association or to any other private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Association and reimbursement may be made for any expenses incurred for the Association by any officer, member, or any other person or corporation, upon authorization of the Executive Board); and provided further, that in the event of dissolution of the Association the assets remaining after payment of all obligations shall be distributed to such charitable or non-profit organization as shall be designated by the Executive Board.
The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws and articles adopted by the Association.
Updated: January 2022